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Data provided by
Philip Sarson
Prince Edward/Tom Canty
James Purefoy
Miles Hendon
John Bowe
The Duke of Somerset/The Earl of Hertford
Peter Jeffrey
The Duke of Norfolk
Richenda Carey
Lady Milford
Douglas Reith
Sophia Myles
Lady Jane Grey
Lucy Speed
Nan Canty
Keith Michell
King Henry VIII
Rupert Frazer
Sir Thomas Seymour
John Judd
John Canty
The Crown
South Riding
The Indian Doctor
Die Säulen der Erde
Peaky Blinders - Gangs of Birmingham
Becoming Elizabeth
The Lost Prince
Elizabeth I - The Virgin Queen
This Is England '88
City of Vice
Große Erwartungen
Ridley Road
The Hour
Das karmesinrote Blütenblatt
The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family
Six Wives with Lucy Worsley
Rückkehr ins Haus am Eaton Place
Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain
Alle Daten zu Filmen und ihrer Verfügbarkeit werden bereitgestellt von: