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Data provided by
Shelley Conn
Self - Narrator
Rafaëlle Cohen
Anne Boleyn
Elizabeth McCafferty
Mary Boleyn
Philip Brodie
Thomas Howard
Max Dowler
Thomas Boleyn
Gabriel Constantin
Jean Du Bellay
Kaisa Hammarlund
Elizabeth I
Matthew Brenher
Thomas Cromwell
Elisabeth I.
Britain's Most Historic Towns
Das Schicksal der Anne Boleyn
Tony Robinson's History of Britain
King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons
Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain
Abroad Again in Britain
Time Team
Die Tudors
Seven Ages of Britain
Henry VIII and His Six Wives
The Prince and the Pauper
Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal
Becoming Elizabeth
Peaky Blinders - Gangs of Birmingham
She-Wolves: England's Early Queens
Der hundertjährige Krieg
London: 2000 Years of History
Digging for Britain
Prejudice and Pride: The People's History of LGBTQ Britain
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