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Data provided by
Peter Ackroyd
Himself - Presenter
Jim Carter
Henry Fielding
Derek Jacobi
Michael Feast
Christopher Wren
Alex Jennings
Stephen Spender
Tom Hollander
T.S. Eliot
Chris Langham
Ned Ward
Philip Jackson
Samuel Pepys
Toby Stephens
Ronan Vibert
Joseph Conrad
John Woodvine
Henry Moore
Jack Shepherd
Thomas de Quincey
Don Warrington
Ignatius Sancho
Timothy West
Henry Mayhew
Danielle Rees
Charlie Meyer
John Simm
Friedrich Engels
Harriet Walter
Virginia Woolf
Anton Lesser
Charles Dickens
Philip Madoc
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Tim Pigott-Smith
John Evelyn
Amanda Root
Charlotte Bronte
WWII: The Lost Color Archives
The 800 Million Pound Railway Station
London: 2000 Years of History
Bloody Tales of the Tower
Building The Olympic Dream
Thames Shipwrecks: A Race Against Time
Mind over Marathon
The Five Billion Pound Super Sewer
A Hotel for the Super Rich & Famous
The Night Bus
The London Weekend Show
Pineapple Dance Studios
The Ride London to Beijing
The Savoy
The Thames: Britain's Great River with Tony Robinson
London in Flammen – Das große Feuer von 1666
The Great Smog: Winter of '52
Amsterdam, London, New York – Geschichte dreier Weltstädte
London Calling
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