
Verity Lambert


Geburtsdatum 27.11.1935 (89 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Hampstead, London, England, UK

Filme & Serien

The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
A Night in with the Girls
Myth Makers 43: William Hartnell
30 Years in the TARDIS
Doctor Who: Origins
The Story of Doctor Who
Creation of the Daleks
Masters of Sound
Inside the Spaceship: The Story of the TARDIS
Over the Edge: The Story of "The Edge of Destruction"
Remembering 'The Aztecs'
Vision On
Don't Lose Your Head
The Last Moguls
Verity Lambert: Drama Queen
Dr. Forever!
Doctor Who Then & Now
Clockwise - Recht so, Mr. Stimpson
Ein Schrei in der Dunkelheit
Wie man sein Leben lebt
A Performance of Macbeth
Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour
Doctor Who: The Aztecs
Running Late
Achilles Heel
Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child
Das wahre Leben der Alice im Wunderland
Saigon: Year Of The Cat
Stainless Steel and the Star Spies
Link der Butler
Amerikanisches Roulette
Star Cracks – Die irre Bruchlandung der Außerirdischen
The Sailor's Return
Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction
Doctor Who: The Daleks
Doctor Who: The Chase
Doctor Who: The Rescue
Doctor Who: Galaxy 4
Doctor Who: The Keys of Marinus
Doctor Who: The Space Museum
Doctor Who: The Time Meddler
Doctor Who: The Sensorites
Doctor Who: The Romans
Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Doctor Who: The Web Planet
Doctor Who: Planet of Giants
Doctor Who: Marco Polo
Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror
Doctor Who: The Crusade
Adam Adamant Lives!
So Haunt Me
May to December
Rock Follies
A Perfect State
Boys from the Bush
Land des Feuerbaums
Love Soup
The Cazalets
Doctor Who
Land des Feuerbaums
Reilly – Spion der Spione
Shoulder to Shoulder
She's Out
Jonathan Creek
The Nation's Health
Tales of the Tardis
Der Aufpasser
Doctor Who
Shoulder to Shoulder

Über uns


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