
Simon Napier-Bell


Geburtsdatum 22.04.1939 (85 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Ealing, London, England, UK

Filme & Serien

A Life in the Death of Joe Meek
Go Go Go Said the Bird
The Brian Epstein Story
George Michael The Southbank Show 1990
It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt. Pepper & Beyond
Queer as Art
WHAM!: Last Christmas Unwrapped
Chasing Rainbows - A Nation and Its Music
George Michael: Outed
Girls and Boys - Sex and British Pop
George Michael: Portrait of an Artist
To Be Frank: Sinatra at 100
George Michael: Portrait of an Artist
27: Gone Too Soon
27: Gone Too Soon
27: Gone Too Soon
50 Years Legal
50 Years Legal
Der Hausmeister
Girls and Boys - Sex and British Pop
Girls and Boys - Sex and British Pop

Über uns


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