
Si Jenks


Geburtsdatum 22.09.1876 (148 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA

Filme & Serien

Fall Guy
Das blonde Gespenst
Mein Mann, der Cowboy
Ein Mann der Tat
Uncivil Warriors
The E-Flat Man
God's Country
Bandits of the Badlands
Shirley Ahoi!
Special Investigator
Kentucky Moonshine
The President's Mystery
The Ranger and the Lady
The Rider of the Law
Oregon Trail
The Outcasts of Poker Flat
Freckles Comes Home
Follow Your Heart
Wild Horse Stampede
Burn 'Em Up O'Connor
Lawless Valley
Gun Play
Oklahoma Annie
Tom Sawyer, Detective
Ice Capades Revue
Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch
Galloping Bungalows
Der Tod des alten Zirkuslöwen
Kentucky Jubilee
Fighting Shadows
Roast-Beef and Movies
The Old Prospector
Under Montana Skies
Detour to Danger
Don't Tell the Wife
An All American Toothache
Arizona to Broadway
You Can't Have Everything
Unknown Valley
Robin Hood of El Dorado
Picking Peaches
Music Is Magic
Face in the Sky
Devil's Playground
The Famous Ferguson Case
Murder, He Says
Höllenfahrt nach Santa Fé
Ehrlich währt am längsten
Union Pacific
Vom Winde verweht
Frontier Marshal
Trommeln am Mohawk
All Wet
Blinde Wut
The Cowboy Star
The Great Train Robbery
Millionaire Playboy
Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
Eve Knew Her Apples
Man from Oklahoma
Whispering Smith Speaks
Zwei in der Falle
Blondie Plays Cupid
Time Out for Romance
Law Beyond the Range
Lightning Range
My Little Chickadee
Rawhide Romance
Dodge City Trail
Sergeant York
Mr. Skitch
Der freche Kavalier
Three Faces West
The Old Swimmin' Hole
Reveille with Beverly
Doctor Bull
The Trail Blazers
Mit Volldampf voraus
Zorro's Black Whip
Zorros Sohn
Lost Canyon
Young Blood
Big Calibre
Near the Trail's End
The Gallant Fool
Uncle Jake
My Dog Shep
Angel's Holiday
Secret Agent X-9
Down on the Farm
Die sündige Stadt
Behind the Mike
Panic on the Air
Educating Father
Dora's Dunking Doughnuts
Girl from God's Country
Another Face
The Lady Fights Back
Mother and Son
A Tenderfoot Goes West
Duell in der Sonne
Go West Young Man
Fly By Night
Die schwarze Maske
Sixteen Fathoms Deep
Der chinesische Papagei
The Man from Death Valley
Oklahoma Jim
Two Fisted Justice
Galloping Thru
Ghost City
Self Defense
Die Wasserrechte von Lost Creek
Stand Up and Cheer!
Komm bleib bei mir

Über uns


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