
Russell Streiner


Geburtsdatum 06.02.1940 (85 Jahre alt)

Filme & Serien

Noite de Terror no Planalto
Die Nacht der lebenden Toten
Zombie Jamboree
Creepy Classics
The American Nightmare
American Killer
There's Always Vanilla
From Romero to Rome: The Rise and Fall of the Italian Zombie Movie
Date mich Billy Walsh!
Drive-In Madness
My Uncle John Is a Zombie!
The Booby Hatch
Night of the Living Dead - Die Rückkehr der Untoten
Chronicles of the Living Dead
The Dead Walk: Remaking a Classic
Die Nacht der lebenden Toten
The Devil and Sam Silverstein
The Devil and Sam Silverstein
The Devil and Sam Silverstein
The Devil and Sam Silverstein
There's Always Vanilla
The Booby Hatch
Night of the Living Dead - Die Rückkehr der Untoten
Verdammt, die Zombies kommen

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