
Robert Florey


Geburtsdatum 14.09.1900 (124 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Paris, France

Filme & Serien

The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
Il circo della morte
The Cocoanuts
Lady Gangster
Das Gesicht hinter der Maske
Mord in der Rue Morgue
Mord in der Rue Morgue
Die Bestie mit den fünf Fingern
Danger Signal
The Florentine Dagger
The Crooked Way
A Study in Scarlet
Le Blanc et le Noir
The House on 56th Street
Spätere Heirat ausgeschlossen
Dangerously They Live
Meet Boston Blackie
Tarzan in Gefahr
Johnny One-Eye
Don't Bet on Blondes
Face Value
The Love of Zero
This Way Please
The Woman in Red
Daughter of Shanghai
God Is My Co-Pilot
The Hole in the Wall
King of Alcatraz
Those We Love
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
Roger Touhy, Gangster
The Children of Alda Nuova
Skyscraper Symphony
Going Highbrow
I Am a Thief
Aufruhr in Marokko
The Magnificent Fraud
Registered Nurse
Girl Missing
The Desert Song
Man from Frisco
The Payoff
The Preview Murder Mystery
Till We Meet Again
Dangerous to Know
The Vicious Years
Hotel Stadt Lemberg
Rogues' Regiment
Women Without Names
I Sell Anything
The Magic Flame
L'amour chante
Night Club
Charlie's Haunt
The Man Called Back
Parole Fixer
Hollywood Boulevard
Frankensteins Braut
El amor solfeando
Der Heiratsschwindler von Paris
The Exquisite Sinner
Rogues' Regiment
The Romantic Age
The Life and Death of 9413, a Hollywood Extra
King of Gamblers
Die Taverne von New Orleans
I've Got Your Number
The Battle of Paris
Komm' zu mir zum Rendezvous
Die Liebesabenteuer des Don Juan
The Love of Zero
La route est belle
Ship Cafe
Death of a Champion
Mountain Music
The Walt Disney Christmas Show
Two in a Taxi
The Incredible Doktor Markesan
The Disneyland Story
The Donald Duck Story
Operation Wonderland
The Dick Powell Show
Four Star Playhouse
Twilight Zone - Unwahrscheinliche Geschichten
Hong Kong
Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse
St. Dominic und seine Schäfchen
The Wonderful World of Disney
Schlitz Playhouse of Stars
Alcoa Theatre
Adventures in Paradise
Dezernat M
Alfred Hitchcock präsentiert
Black Saddle
Wire Service
Abenteuer im wilden Westen
Der Texaner
Your Favorite Story
Telephone Time
The Outer Limits
The David Niven Show
Ihr Star: Loretta Young
The Barbara Stanwyck Show
Abenteuer im wilden Westen

Über uns


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