
Richard Davies


Geburtsdatum 25.01.1926 (99 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Dowlais, Wales, UK

Filme & Serien

The Long Arm
Rivalen um die Macht
Einmal Millionär sein
Sie waren 13
Sky West and Crooked
Steptoe & Son Ride Again
Teufelskreis Y
Queen Sacrifice
Dylan: The Life and Death of a Poet
A Run for Your Money
Hermetico – Die unsichtbare Region
Der Lord, der ein Diener sein wollte
Where the Buffalo Roam
Some People
The Midas Plague
Oh! What a Lovely War
"If Only..."
Doctor Who: Delta and the Bannermen
Unter dem Milchwald
Das Labor des Grauens
Please Sir!
Rebecca's Daughters
City of Fear!
Die Füchse
Wyatt's Watchdogs
The Bill
Task Force Police
Doctor Who
Gideon's Way
Fawlty Towers
Whoops Apocalypse
One Foot In the Grave
Yes Minister
Dixon of Dock Green
Bottle Boys
The First Lady
King of the River
Please Sir!
The Wednesday Play
Van der Valk
No Hiding Place
The Citadel
Oh No, It's Selwyn Froggitt!
Oliver's Travels
To Serve Them All My Days
Roberts Robots
The Boot Street Band
Behind Closed Doors
Dixon of Dock Green
Dixon of Dock Green
2point4 Children
2point4 Children
Frank Stubbs Promotes
The New Statesman
Gideon's Way
Gideon's Way
Simon Templar
Big Deal
In Loving Memory
The Wednesday Play
The Wednesday Play
The Wednesday Play
Coronation Street
Sunday Night Theatre

Über uns


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