
Louis De Rochemont


Geburtsdatum 13.01.1899 (126 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Filme & Serien

Secrets of British Animation
Das Haus in der 92. Straße
Der römische Frühling der Mrs. Stone
Walk East on Beacon
The March of Time: An American Dictator
The March of Time: An American Dictator
We Are the Marines
The March of Todd-AO
Show-Business at War
Show-Business at War
Inside Nazi Germany
Youth in Crisis
Youth in Crisis
Lost Boundaries
Meet Me Down at Coney Isle
Her Name Was Ellie, His Name Was Lyle
Africa, Prelude to Victory
Africa, Prelude to Victory
The Ramparts We Watch
13 Rue Madeleine
Geheimakte M
The Whistle at Eaton Falls
A Day With The F.B.I.
A Day With The F.B.I.
The First World War
The Movies March On
The March of Time: Underground Report
Down to Dalmatia
The March of Time: Report on Italy

Über uns


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