
Kewpie Morgan


Geburtsdatum 31.01.1892 (133 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Anna, Texas, USA

Filme & Serien

Drei Zeitalter
Drag Harlan
Wanted- A Home
Hell-Roarin' Reform
The Border Legion
A Capable Lady Cook
A Beach Nut
Say Ah-h!
Beggars of Life
Musclebound Music
A Pirate Bold
Hayfoot, Strawfoot?
From Rags to Britches
Trimmed in Gold
Wandering Willies
Love's Last Laugh
Asleep at the Switch
Sneezing Beezers
Butter Fingers
The Paperhangers' Revenge
Whispering Whiskers
Circus Today
The Cup of Fury
Flying Luck
The Spieler
Ice Cold Cocos
Just a Good Guy
Gymnasium Jim
The Dare-Devil
Love and Doughnuts
The Heart Snatcher
Picking Peaches
When Summer Comes
On Patrol
The Duck Hunter
The Aviator
Sherlock Jr.
The Better 'Ole
Cockeyed Cavaliers
The Count Takes the Count
Nip and Tuck
Crazy Like a Fox
Stupid, but Brave
The Half-Back of Notre Dame
A Home Made Man
The Poor Rich Cleaners
Step Forward
Kintopps Lachkabinett
The Scuttlers
His Noisy Still
Be Reasonable
Back to God's Country
The Shriek of Araby
Dick und Doof - Rache ist süß
Der Teufel ist eine Frau
Advertising Did It
Teasing a Tornado
A Species of Mexican Man
Atta Boy
What a Clue Will Do

Über uns


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