
John Grey


Geburtsdatum 19.12.1885 (139 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort New York, USA

Filme & Serien

Straßenjagd mit Speedy
The Crossroads of New York
Um Himmels willen
Der Traumtänzer
Das Wasser kocht
Harold, der Pechvogel
Harold, der Pechvogel
Der Kinonarr
Worldly Goods
That's My Meat
False Alarms
All the World's a Stooge
Sappy Pappy
Sappy Pappy
Paradise for Buster
Too Many Wives
Forty Naughty Girls
The Little Patriot
Mysterious Crossing
The Heckler
Terror Island
Hold Your Temper
Mr. Noisy
Bride and Gloom
Chinatown Charlie
Tracked by the Police
The Singing Sheriff
Swingin' on a Rainbow
Moonlight and Monkey Business
The Awful Goof
The Awful Goof
I Love a Bandleader
Lightning Strikes Twice
Hawaiian Nights
Sing a Jingle
Private Snuffy Smith
Rockin' in the Rockies
The Farmer in the Dell
The Leather Necker
Will Power
I'm from the City
Canyon of the Fools
Bluebeard, Jr
Crack O' Dawn
The Mystery Mind
The Gay Nighties
Der Sportstudent
His Bridal Sweet

Über uns


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