Visual Effects

John Gaeta


Geburtsdatum 01.01.1965 (60 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort New York, New York, U.S.A.

Filme & Serien

Matrix Resurrections
Matrix - Rückblicke, Einblicke, Ausblicke
The Matrix Recalibrated
Making 'The Matrix'
The Matrix: What Is Bullet-Time?
The Matrix Revolutions: Double Agent Smith
Mind Over Matter: The Physicality of the Matrix Future
The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase
The Matrix Revolutions: Neo Realism - Evolution of Bullet Time
The Matrix Reloaded: Pre-Load
The Matrix Revolutions: Super Big Mini Models
Making 'Enter the Matrix'
Trapped Ashes
Matrix Revolutions
Dust Devil
Matrix Reloaded
Speed Racer

Über uns


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