
Jim Harrell


Geburtsdatum 13.12.1959 (65 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Roanoke, Virginia, USA

Filme & Serien

AWA/NWA Night of Champions II
WWF SuperTape
WWE Demolition
WWE World Tour
WWE WrestleMania VI
WWE Survivor Series 1990
Pro Wrestling USA Star Wars: December 1984
AWA Super Clash
The Best of the WWF: volume 17
Mid-South Wrestling Giants, Midgets, Heroes & Villains vol. 1
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: April '89
WWE SummerSlam Fever
WWE Houston Wrestling: October '87
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: August '88
WWE Los Angeles Wrestling: December '88
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: July '88
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: November '87
WWE Maple Leaf Wrestling: September '88
NWA The Final Conflict
WWE Royal Rumble 1988
WWE WrestleMania IV
WWE WrestleFest
WWE SummerSlam 1988
WWE Survivor Series 1988
AWA Wrestling For a Cure
WWE The Ultimate Challenge Special: The March to WrestleMania VI
AWA Blood on the Sand
AWA The Brawl in St. Paul
AWA SuperClash II
WWE Survivor Series 1987
WCCW Thanksgiving Star Wars '83
WWF Wrestling Challenge

Über uns


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