
Fritzi Brunette


Geburtsdatum 27.05.1890 (134 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Savannah, Georgia, USA

Filme & Serien

The Woman Thou Gavest Me
Who Shall Take My Life?
While Satan Sleeps
Sure Fire
The Mystic Ball
The Pace That Thrills
The Boss of Camp 4
The Footlight Ranger
Bells of San Juan
Persons in Hiding
The Green Flame
The House of Whispers
The Golden Bullet
Camille of the Barbary Coast
At Piney Ridge
Unto Those Who Sin
The Crusader
The Devil to Pay
Höllenfahrt nach Santa Fé
Honeymoon in Bali
Der große Edison
Kein Platz für Eltern
Tailspin Tommy in The Great Air Mystery
A Sporting Chance
$1,000 a Touchdown
The Velvet Hand
Jacques of the Silver North
The Lord Loves the Irish
The Dream Cheater
Maid of Salem
The Sealed Envelope
Beware of Strangers
Cause for Divorce
When Heart Wires Cross
Tiger True

Über uns


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