
Elisabeth Sladen


Geburtsdatum 01.02.1948 (77 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Liverpool, England, UK

Filme & Serien

K9 Unleashed
Doctor Who: The Android Invasion
Hitler: The Comedy Years
Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time
Who is Tom Baker? Unauthorised
Talking Doctor Who
Doctor Who: The Seeds of Doom
Myth Makers 50: Elisabeth Sladen
The Making of Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans
Doctor Who: Clara and the TARDIS
The Doctors: The Tom Baker Years
Doctor Who: The Ark in Space
David Tennant's Video Diary
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars
Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday & Empire of Death
Doctor Who: Die Rache der Cybermen
Doctor Who: Robot
Doctor Who: Terror of the Zygons
Doctor Who: The Brain of Morbius
Doctor Who: The Time Warrior
Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs
Doctor Who: Death to the Daleks
Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon
Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders
Doctor Who: The Sontaran Experiment
Doctor Who: The Masque of Mandragora
Doctor Who: Genesis of the Daleks
Doctor Who: Planet of Evil
Doctor Who: Die Hand der Angst
Silver Dream Racer
K-9 and Company: A Girl's Best Friend
Adventures in Space and Time
Doctor Who: Die Fünf Doktoren
Celebration: Doctor Who in 1983
Built for War: The Sontaran Story
Serial Thrillers
The Story of Doctor Who
Ferry Cross the Mersey
Our Sarah Jane – Elisabeth Sladen Tribute
Name for the Day
Doctor Who: Logopolis
Summer Session
30 Years in the TARDIS
Doctor Who: Meanwhile in the TARDIS: Part 2
The Sarah Jane Adventures
K-9 and Company
Doctor Who Confidential
The Bill
Dempsey and Makepeace
Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em
Play for Today
Take My Wife
The National Television Awards Backstage Live
Doctor Who
Sarah Jane's Alien Files
Totally Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Peak Practice
Public Eye
Doctor Who Greatest Moments
Tales of the Tardis
Coronation Street
Gulliver in Lilliput

Über uns


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