Charles Ruggles
08.02.1886 (139 Jahre alt)
Los Angeles, California, USA
Filme & Serien
Ärger im Paradies
Leoparden küßt man nicht
Geliebter Haustyrann
Der lächelnde Leutnant
Schönste, liebe mich
Husband's Holiday
Alice im Wunderland
Peer Gynt
Vierzig Draufgänger
Die unsichtbare Frau
Ein Butler in Amerika
Bedside Manner
Die Farm der Gehetzten
Eine Stunde mit Dir
The Perfect Marriage
Die große Lüge
The Lady Lies
Murders in the Zoo
Madame Butterfly
Invitation to Happiness
Roadhouse Nights
Die Vermählung ihrer Eltern geben bekannt
Hollywood Handicap
This Is the Night
It Happened on Fifth Avenue
The Lovable Cheat
Papa's Delicate Condition
Breaking the Ice
Stern vom Broadway
The Doughgirls
Alles in einer Nacht
Wenn ich eine Million hätte
Melody Cruise
Terror Aboard
Honeymoon for Three
In angenehmer Gesellschaft
No More Ladies
Six of a Kind
The Perfect Snob
Incendiary Blonde
Keine Zeit für Komödie
Friends of Mr. Sweeney
Honor Among Lovers
Screen Snapshots Series 17, No. 12
Good-bye Love
So bändigt man Eva
The Pursuit of Happiness
My Brother Talks to Horses
The Road to Victory
Anything Goes
Hearts Divided
Charley's Aunt
The Big Broadcast of 1936
Queen High
Young Man of Manhattan
Evenings for Sale
3 Is a Family
Service de Luxe
Wenn andere schlafen…
Mind Your Own Business
Give My Regards to Broadway
Go West, Young Lady
Turn Off the Moon
Boy Trouble
Sudden Money
Our Hearts Were Young and Gay
Girl Without a Room
The Shining Future
Murder in the Private Car
Her Wedding Night
The Night of June 13
Mama Loves Papa
Model Wife
Public Deb No. 1
Gallant Journey
Dixie Dugan
The Majesty of the Law
This Reckless Age
The Farmer's Daughter
The Preview Murder Mystery
Hollywood Boulevard
Yours for the Asking
The Parson of Panamint
His Exciting Night
Gentlemen of the Press
Der Pauker kann's nicht lassen
The Battle of Paris
The Beloved Bachelor
Friendly Enemies
Melody in Spring
Ben und Ich
Make Me a Star
Wives Never Know
70,000 Witnesses
Night Work
The Heart Raider
Opened by Mistake
The House That Shadows Built
People Will Talk
The Girl Habit
The Reform Candidate
Vacation Playhouse
The World of Mr. Sweeney
The Andy Griffith Show
The Bullwinkle Show
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