
Carlo Massarella


Geburtsdatum 01.01.1970 (55 Jahre alt)

Filme & Serien

Egypt's Great Pyramid: The New Evidence
Last Shuttle: Our Journey
Die Emirate von oben
Why Ships Crash
Card Shark - Meister der Kartentricks
Why Planes Vanish: The Hunt for MH370
Lost Empire of Persia
Lost Temples of the Jungle
Teotihuacan: Curse of the Blood Pyramids
Treasures of the Terracotta Army
Sex, Lies and the Taj Mahal
Sex, Lies and the Taj Mahal
Pride: Vielfalt von oben
Lost world of the Colosseum
Petra: Lost City of the Desert
Intercity 125: The Train That Saved Britain's Railways
Why Sharks Attack
Die Bergung der Costa Concordia
Inside Chernobyl's Mega Tomb
Black Hole Hunters – Jäger des Schwarzen Lochs
Brückenkollaps Genua - Spurensuche einer Katastrophe
Statue of Liberty: The New Secrets
Dans l'ombre des pyramides
Building the Channel Tunnel
Monster Moves
Monster Moves
The Nature of Things
Great British Home Restoration
Impossible Builds
Extreme Ice Trains
Roms verlorene Schätze
Blowing Up History: Seven Wonders
New York Super Airport
Europa: le meraviglie dall'alto
InterCity 125: The Train That Saved Britain's Railways
The Channel Tunnel: 25 Years
Building Britain's Biggest Nuclear Power Station

Über uns


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