
Brinsley Forde


Geburtsdatum 16.10.1953 (71 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Islington, North London, England, UK

Filme & Serien

James Bond 007 - Diamantenfieber
Billy the Kid
Bob a Job
Kontiki Kids
A Lad in the Lamp
The Magnificent Six and ½: Peewee Had a Little Ape
The Magician
Leo, der Letzte
Goodbye Charlie Bright
When Bob Marley Came to Britain
Please Sir!
The Magnificent Six and ½: Ghosts and Ghoulies
The Magnificent Six and ½: Peewee's Pianola
The Magnificent Six and ½: Bob-a-Job
The Magnificent Six and ½: Kontiki Kids
The Magnificent Six and ½: It's Not Cricket
The Magnificent Six and ½: A Good Deed in Time
The Magnificent Six and ½: The Astronoughts
Here Come the Double Deckers
Never Mind the Buzzcocks
The Magnificent Six and 1/2
Please Sir!
Sacrée soirée

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