
Anthony O'Sullivan


Geburtsdatum 01.01.1855 (170 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Ireland

Filme & Serien

The Honor of His Family
What the Daisy Said
A Trap for Santa Claus
The Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch
The Little Darling
The Switchtower
Are Waitresses Safe?
The Suicide Club
Old Offenders
What Drink Did
The Black Hand
The Black Viper
The Fatal Hour
The Mountaineer's Honor
The Violin Maker of Cremona
Muggsy Becomes a Hero
Pippa Passes
A Flash of Light
Getting Even
Her Terrible Ordeal
The Son's Return
The Sculptor's Nightmare
Thompson's Night Out
The Invisible Fluid
Over the Hills to the Poor House
Deceived Slumming Party
The Kentuckian
The Stage Rustler
The Red Girl
Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court
The Indian Runner's Romance
The Broken Locket
The Awakening
Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
Two Memories
The Usurer
Yellow Peril
The Man in the Box
The Gold Seekers
That Chink at Golden Gulch
Hulda's Lovers
An Affair of Hearts
His Last Dollar
The Masher
Eloping with Auntie
Jealousy and the Man
Mrs. Jones' Lover or, I Want My Hat
The Note in the Shoe
Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
The Little Avenger
What's Your Hurry?
The Faded Lilies
Der Weizenkönig
The Way of Man
The Necklace
The Renunciation
The Converts
The Rocky Road
The Day After
They Would Elope
The Fight for Freedom
The Wrong Bottle
A Frightful Blunder
The Tenderfoot's Money
A Dangerous Foe
The Well
In Diplomatic Circles
A Gamble with Death
A Gambler's Honor
The Mirror
The Vengeance of Galora
When Love Forgives
Under the Shadow of the Law
I Was Meant for You
The Work Habit
The Crook and the Girl
The Stolen Treaty
The Law and His Son
The Van Nostrand Tiara
The Stopped Clock
All for Science
His Fireman's Conscience
The Way Out
Her Convert
As It Happened
Old Offenders
The Cracksman's Gratitude
The Switchtower
The Strong Man's Burden
The Little Widow
A Welcome Intruder
Olaf—An Atom
The Stolen Bride
A Tender-Hearted Crook

Über uns


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