
Andy Casagrande


Geburtsdatum 01.01.1970 (55 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort New York, New York

Filme & Serien

Superkräfte der Haie
World's Biggest Tiger Shark
Shark Cinema Science
Amerikas Big Five
6000-LB. Shark
The Sharks Of Headstone Hell
Diving with Sharks: The Ultimate Guide
Shark Dive
Monster Hammerheads: Killer Instinct
Air Jaws: Top Guns
Tyson vs. Jaws: Rumble on the Reef
The Secret Lives of Sharks
Killer Shots
Die Trying
Great White North
Rise Of The Great White Shark
Africa's Lost Eden
Africa's Lost Eden
Shark Cinema Science
Shark Dive
Great White Serial Killer: Sea of Blood
Great White Serial Killer: Sea of Blood
Air Jaws: Back from the Dead
Air Jaws: Top Guns
Tyson vs. Jaws: Rumble on the Reef
Cosmic Journeys
Cosmic Journeys

Über uns


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