
Russell T Davies


Geburtsdatum 27.04.1963 (61 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Swansea, Glamorgan, Wales, UK

Filme & Serien

The 50 Greatest Television Dramas
Doctor Who at 60: A Musical Celebration
imagine… Russell T Davies: The Doctor and Me
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Doctor Who: A New Dimension
Queer as Art
Doctor Who: Tales Lost in Time
Looking for Dursley
Doctor Who at the Proms
Verity Lambert: Drama Queen
Totally Doctor Who
Dr. Forever!
Richard & Judy
Torchwood Declassified
Drama Trails
Totally Doctor Who
Doctor Who: Video Commentaries
Doctor Who: Unleashed
Michael McIntyre's The Wheel
The Graham Norton Show
Doctor Who Confidential
Victoria Wood: The Secret List
Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres - Doctor Who at the Proms 2008
Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres - Doctor Who at the Proms 2008
The Second Coming
Men Up
Doctor Who: Planet der Toten
Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour
Doctor Who Children in Need Special 2023
Doctor Who: Der andere Doctor
Doctor Who: Time Crash
Coronation Street: Viva Las Vegas!
Ein Sommernachtstraum
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
Doctor Who: Die aufgelöste Braut
Ein Sommernachtstraum
Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday & Empire of Death
Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday & Empire of Death
Doctor Who: Born Again
Doctor Who: 60th Anniversary Specials
Doctor Who: Der rote Garten
Doctor Who: Reise der Verdammten
Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres
Doctor Who: Der rote Garten
Doctor Who: Die aufgelöste Braut
Doctor Who: Der andere Doctor
Doctor Who: Reise der Verdammten
Doctor Who: Planet der Toten
Ein Sommernachtstraum
Doctor Who: Music of the Spheres
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
The Sarah Jane Adventures: Invasion of the Bane
Farewell, Sarah Jane
Farewell, Sarah Jane
Doctor Who: The War Games in Colour
Doctor Who at the Proms
Doctor who: Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
Doctor who: Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
Torchwood: Miracle Day
The Sarah Jane Adventures
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Dark Season
Mine All Mine
Bob & Rose
The Second Coming
Queer as Folk
Linda Green
The Grand
Wizards vs Aliens
Doctor Who
The House of Windsor
Doctor Who
A Very English Scandal
A Very English Scandal
Years and Years
Touching Evil
Years and Years
It's a Sin
It's a Sin
Queer as Folk
Queer as Folk
You & Me
The Second Coming
Doctor Who
Doctor Who
Three Little Birds
Tales of the Tardis
Tales of the Tardis
Der Krieg zwischen dem Land und dem Meer
Der Krieg zwischen dem Land und dem Meer
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Queer as Folk
Century Falls
Dark Season
Bob & Rose
The Second Coming
Sarah Jane's Alien Files
The Grand
Wizards vs Aliens
A Very English Scandal
It's a Sin
Doctor Who: Unleashed
Doctor Who Confidential
Der Krieg zwischen dem Land und dem Meer
Tales of the Tardis

Über uns


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