
Steve Whitmire


Geburtsdatum 24.09.1958 (66 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Atlanta, Georgia

Filme & Serien

Muppets aus dem All
Mr. Magoriums Wunderladen
Die Muppets erobern Manhattan
Sesame Street: Elmo Visits the Firehouse
Of Muppets & Men
Die Muppets – Briefe an den Weihnachtsmann
Sesame Street: Abby in Wonderland
Kermit der Frosch
Die Abenteuer von Elmo im Grummelland
The Christmas Toy
Lady Gaga & the Muppets Holiday Spectacular
Rocky Mountain Holiday with John Denver and the Muppets
Fraggle Rock - Dance Your Cares Away
Die Muppets gehen ins Kino
Muppets Most Wanted
The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show
The Muppets Go Hollywood
The Muppets All-Star Comedy Gala
Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures
The World of 'The Dark Crystal'
Die Muppets unterm Weihnachtsbaum
Fraggle Rock - Live by the Rule of the Rock
Jerry Nelson: A Celebratory Birthday Animatic
The Secret Policeman's Ball
Sesame Street: Being Green
Die Muppets
Muppet Sing Alongs: Treasure Island
The Song of the Cloud Forest
The Very Best of the Muppet Show
The Very Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 2
The Very Best of the Muppet Show: Volume 3
Sesame Street: Elmopalooza!
Muppet Sing Alongs: Billy Bunny's Animal Songs
The Muppets: Ode to Joy
Die Muppets feiern Weihnachten
Jim Henson: Ein Mann voller Ideen
Das wahre Leben der Alice im Wunderland
Down at Fraggle Rock
Weezer and the Muppets Go Fishin'
The Nick and Jessica Variety Hour
Sesame Street: Elmo Saves Christmas
Muppets - Die Schatzinsel
Muppets - Der Zauberer von Oz
Das größte Muppet Weihnachtsspektakel aller Zeiten
Muppet Classic Theater
John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together
An Audience with Kylie Minogue
Muppet Video: The Kermit and Piggy Story
The Bells of Fraggle Rock
Muppet Sing Alongs: Things That Fly
Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade
Die Reise ins Labyrinth
Die Muppets in Walt Disney World
Muppet Movie
The Muppets: A Celebration of 30 Years
Die Muppets - Studio DC - Almost Live
I Love Muppets
The Tale of the Bunny Picnic
The World of Jim Henson
Best Ever Muppet Moments
Fraggles Look For Jobs
Muppets on Wheels
Weezer: Video Capture Device - Treasures from the Vault 1991-2002
Die Muppets Weihnachtsgeschichte
Sesame Street: Bert & Ernie's Word Play
Sesame Street: Quiet Time
Sesame Street: Bedtime with Elmo
Sesame Street: 123 Count with Me
Die Muppets feiern Jim Henson
Dog City: The Movie
Der große Muppet Krimi
The Best of Kermit on Sesame Street
Sesame Street | All-Star 25th Birthday: Stars and Street Forever!
Der dunkle Kristall
The Earth Day Special
Food Fight! | Muppisode
The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells
The Muppets: Stars & Stripes FOREVER!
Sesame Street: A Celebration of Me, Grover
Muppet*Vision 3D
Sesame Street: Elmo's Christmas Countdown
A Sesame Street Christmas Carol
Holiday Greetings from 'The Ed Sullivan Show'
AFI's 100 Years... 100 Songs: America's Greatest Music in the Movies
The Tony Danza Show
Die Bill Cosby Show
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Die Fraggles
Die Muppet Show
Muppets Tonight
The Jim Henson Hour
Sesame Street: Play with Me Sesame
I Love the '70s: Volume 2
The Great Debate
The Jonathan Ross Show
Sesame Unpaved
Dave Navarro's Spread
Jim Henson's Animal Show with Stinky and Jake
Saturday Night Live
Studio DC: Almost Live
Die Muppets
Die Dinos
An Audience with...
30 Rock
Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures
Die Dinos
Die Dinos
Meine Schwester Charlie
Muppet Moments
Journey Through the Labyrinth
Reflections of 'The Dark Crystal'

Über uns


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