
Dal McKennon


Geburtsdatum 19.07.1919 (105 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort La Grande, Oregon, USA

Filme & Serien

Susi und Strolch
Auf der Jagd nach dem verfluchten Gold
The Woody Woodpecker Polka
The Bird Who Came to Dinner
The Adventures of Mark Twain
Nur nicht Millionär sein
Der kleine Däumling
House of the Damned
Bric’s Stew
EPCOT Center: A Souvenir Program
A Waggily Tale
The Legend of Rockabye Point
The Little Prince
Under the Counter Spy
Die Vögel
Der mysteriöse Dr. Lao
Paul Bunyan
Let No Man Write My Epitaph
Getrennte Betten
The Andersonville Trial
Chief Charlie Horse
Die Katze aus dem Weltraum
Meuterei am Schlangenfluß
Archie and His New Pals
Plywood Panic
The Witty Witch
Rough and Tumbleweed
Hidden Valley
Mary Poppins
Gumby: The Movie
Convict Concerto
Jungle Medics
Flea for Two
What's Sweepin'?
Pig in a Pickle
Paw's Night Out
Mouse Trapped
His Better Elf
Space Mouse
Witty Kitty
Punchy Pooch
Jittery Jester
Half Empty Saddles
How to Stuff a Woodpecker
Busman's Holiday
Misguided Missile
Doc's Last Stand
Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby
Mississippi Slow Boat
Heap Big Hepcat
Gold Diggin' Woodpecker
Bear and the Bees
Maw and Paw
Kiddie League
Swiss Miss-Fit
Pesky Pelican
Dopey Dick, the Pink Whale
Round Trip to Mars
Box Car Bandit
Red Riding Hoodlum
Pistol Packin' Woodpecker
Ozark Lark
Socko in Morocco
Sufferin' Cats
Case of the Elephant's Trunk
The Goofy Gardener
Hyde and Sneak
Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure
Square Shootin' Square
Bunco Busters
The Case of the Maltese Chicken
The Tee Bird
Panhandle Scandal
Woodpecker in the Moon
Have Gun Can't Travel
Indian Corn
Freeloading Feline
Termites from Mars
Billion Dollar Boner
The Silent Call
Crazy Mixed Up Pup
Piraten vor der Schatzinsel
Gumby's Christmas Capers
Aesop's Fables
Alley to Bali
Sexualprotz wider Willen
Heiße Schüsse, kalte Füße
Die tollkühne Hexe in ihrem fliegenden Bett
Deinen Skalp, Daniel Boone
Rückkehr nach Oz
Schrei, wenn der Tingler kommt
Die glorreichen Reiter
Pest of Show
Trips th' Trapper
Wee Sing: King Cole's Party
Der Pauker kann's nicht lassen
Die gestohlenen Weihnachtsgeschenke
Flim Flam Fountain
Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse
The Archie Show
Groovie Goolies
Archie's TV Funnies
Daniel Boone
Space Academy
The Hardy Boys
The New Archie and Sabrina Hour
Polizeirevier 87
The Andy Griffith Show
Rauchende Colts
Westlich von Santa Fé
Archie's Funhouse
Wagon Train
Die Unbestechlichen
Westlich von Santa Fé
Mein Onkel vom Mars
The Wonderful World of Disney
Gumby Adventures
Wagon Train
Die Leute von der Shiloh-Ranch
Polizeirevier 87
Wagon Train
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
Die Leute von der Shiloh-Ranch
Polizeirevier 87
Meine drei Söhne
The Gumby Show
Gumby: The Movie
The Puppetoon Movie
Buddy - Der Weihnachtself
The Silent Call
Piraten vor der Schatzinsel
Gumby Adventures
The Gumby Show

Über uns


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