
Barack Obama


Geburtsdatum 04.08.1961 (63 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Filme & Serien

Yes We Can! - The Barack Obama Story
Corée, la guerre de cent ans
Greedy Lying Bastards
François Hollande, le mal-aimé
Laboratory Greece
By the People: The Election of Barack Obama
I'm Still Here
Anklage gegen Putin - Die Spur der Kriegsverbrechen in der Ukraine
Dear Earth
The American Matrix - Age Of Deception
The Plot Against the President
Examined Life
A Question of Eligibility
Zero Days
The Untold History Of The United States
2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
The Obama Deception
Planet der Affen - Revolution
...So Goes the Nation
Die neue Air Force One: Eine fliegende Festung
Der fantastische Mr. Murray
Gabby Giffords Won't Back Down
Angela Merkel - Im Lauf der Zeit
Air - Der grosse Wurf
Obama: Building the Dream
Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
Paul McCartney: In Performance at the White House
A Greater Society
Aboard Air Force One
The Emperor's New Clothes
Two Men at War
Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It
#UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
Climate Refugees
Dreams from My Real Father
The Obama Years: The Power of Words
Pelosi's Power
Vergiftet: Die schmutzige Wahrheit über unser Essen
Casino Jack and the United States of Money
400 Days - The Last Mission
F@ck this Job – Abenteuer im russischen Journalismus
Tom Hanks: The Nomad
Nikotin - Droge mit Zukunft
How (not) to Build a School in Haiti
Großzügige Spender: Macht Geld Politik?
Gus and the TV Special
La grande guerre des Harlem Hellfighters
Never Stop Dreaming: The Life and Legacy of Shimon Peres
The Pledgefather
The Queen Carries On: A Gayle King Special
How to Win the TV Debate
The Harlem Globetrotters: The Team That Changed the World
Right America: Feeling Wronged
Inequality for All
Benjamin Netanjahu - Der Medienprofi und die Macht
The Phenomenon
The Occupation of the American Mind
To Kill a Mockingbird: All Points of View
The River and the Wall
The Road to Mass Incarceration
Picturing the Obamas
America: Imagine the World Without Her
A Mother's Promise: Barack Obama Bio Film
Um Dia na Vida
John Lewis: Good Trouble
The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros
In voller Blüte
Sand and Sorrow
Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am
Pitch Perfect 2
Square Roots: The Story of SpongeBob SquarePants
The Presidents: Obama
Mistaken for Strangers
Denzel Washington - Spiegelbilder Amerikas
شقيقة موسوليني
An Oprah Winfrey Special: First Lady Michelle Obama Says Farewell To The White House
Truth to the Powerless: An Investigation into Canada's Foreign Policy
VICE Special Report: Fixing the System
Imminent Threat
War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State
Revealed The hunt for Bin Laden
It's Your 50th Christmas Charlie Brown
Kenyatta: Do Not Wait Your Turn
Wise Guys 2
The Making of Trump
Jazz at the White House
David Attenborough Meets President Obama
Grocery Store, Circa 2008
41 on 41
Mrs Robinson
Inside Job
Sara Mardini - Gegen den Strom
Before the Flood
2011 White House Correspondents Dinner
A Journey in Black and White
New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor
Barack Obama
Biden's Decision
Cool It
The End: Inside The Last Days of the Obama White House
The 44th President: In His Own Words
Jake Gyllenhaal Challenges the Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Loretta Lynn: Still a Mountain Girl
Jede Regierung lügt: Wahrheit, Manipulation und der Geist des I. F. Stone
Immer noch eine unbequeme Wahrheit - Unsere Zeit läuft
The Words That Built America
Barack Obama: His Story
The Final Year
Die Klima-Spione
Shadows of Liberty
The Undefeated
Clinton Cash
August 28: A Day in the Life of a People
The After Party: The Last Party 3
Acorn and the Firestorm
Avicii: True Stories
Die Macht hinter dem Präsidenten
Speeches That Shook the World
Top Priority: The Terror Within
BET Presents Love & Happiness: An Obama Celebration
A Moment in History - The Inauguration of Barack Obama
National Museum of African American History and Culture Grand Opening Ceremony
Architects of Denial
The Red Pill
Fired Up!
Videospiele - Die neuen Blockbuster
Trump und der Staatsstreich der Konzerne
The Propaganda Game
Dennis Rodman's Big Bang in PyongYang
Fahrenheit 11/9
How to Kill 14 People Without Saying a Word
XY Chelsea
Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook
The Godfather of Black Music
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
Danke für die Daten!
Meet the Trumps: From Immigrant to President
Barack Obama: The Power of Hope
Becoming Barack
I Want Your Money
The President's Book of Secrets
Zero Weeks
Who Is Donald Trump?
Am Rande der Demokratie
White House Revealed
Papst Franziskus: Ein Mann seines Wortes
Chita Rivera: A Lot Of Livin' To Do
Shusenjo: The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue
American Factory: Ein Gespräch mit den Obamas
Ein amerikanischer Held
The Shock Doctrine
Meeting Snowden
Auf ihren Schultern
Salman Rushdie — Den Tod im Nacken
Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark
41 - Der Präsident
RBG - Ein Leben für die Gerechtigkeit
Die Erfinderin - Böses Blut im Silicon Valley
Kapitalismus: Eine Liebesgeschichte
Erzfreunde - Trump und Putin
Becoming - Meine Geschichte
We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial
Killing Them Softly
John McCain: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Der 13.
Shadow World
Der ewige Korea-Krieg
Dear Class of 2020
Mile 22
The Road We've Traveled
Hamilton's America
2016: Obama's America
National Bird
Graduate Together: America Honors the High School Class of 2020
Selbstbestimmung ./. Politik – Abtreibung in den USA
Uncle Tom
Hive Mind
The Way I See It
Der Diktator
Frontline: America's Great Divide
America's Great Divide: From Obama to Trump
How to Win the US Presidency
Amerika hat die Wahl: Trump gegen Biden
President in Waiting
U$A – Die Dollar-Demokratie
Drogen: Amerikas längster Krieg
American Dharma
Ted Bundy Had a Son
VICE Special Report: A House Divided
Blackbox Syrien - Der schmutzige Krieg
Tomorrow - Die Welt ist voller Lösungen
Celebrating America
Det är upp till dig!
Black Renaissance: The Art and Soul of Our Stories
Weißrussland - Europas letzte Diktatur
South of the Border
Nathalie küsst
American Trial: The Eric Garner Story
JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
Roll Up Your Sleeves
Paper Lanterns
The Accidental President
Totally Under Control
Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis
Revealed: The Hunt for Bin Laden
Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story
Untold: Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer
Amerika hat die Wahl: Harris gegen Trump
Obama: All Access: The Road to the White House
Who Is Vermin Supreme? An Outsider Odyssey
Operation: Endgame
Atomic: History Of The A-Bomb
The Dividers
Markus Lanz
Mentiras verdaderas
Finding Your Roots
60 Minutes
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Spycraft – Die Welt der Spione
Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union
How to Become a Tyrant
Shut Up and Dribble
Le Monde En Face
Bill Russell: Legend
Medal of Honor
Basketball: A Love Story
Explained, Geld
Saturday Night Live
Arbeit: Was wir den ganzen Tag machen
The Daily Show
Wendepunkt 911 und der Krieg gegen den Terror
We Are Who We Are
Abraham Lincoln
Comedians auf Kaffeefahrt
Das Problem mit Jon Stewart
CBS Mornings
Oliver Stone: Die Geschichte Amerikas
Anthony Bourdain - Kulinarische Abenteuer
The Graham Norton Show
Emancipation Road
Die 2000er
Unsere wunderbaren Nationalparks
Tanner on Tanner
Inside Obama's White House
My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman
They Call Me Magic
Jackie Robinson
The 2000's: The Decade We Saw It All
Eine Geschichte des Antisemitismus
The Colbert Report
Bear Grylls - Stars am Limit
Trailblazer Honors
Trump: An American Dream
R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour
Dirty Money – Geld regiert die Welt
I Am Cait
Iran and the West
The Last Dance
세 개의 전쟁
UFOs Dem Unbekannten auf der Spur
Real Time with Bill Maher
Obama's farewell address
Connie Martinson Talks Books
Whistleblowers: The Untold Stories
Taking the Oath: America's History From Oval Office
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis
MythBusters - Die Wissensjäger
Whose Vote Counts, Explained
The Oprah Conversation
The Shop
Der Ku-Klux-Klan – Eine Geschichte des Hasses
First Ladies
Desus & Mero
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Inside Politics with Dana Bash
Unsere Ozeane
Democracy Now!
White House Christmas
The G Word with Adam Conover
Court of Gold
Leave the World Behind
Exit West
Sommer der Krüppelbewegung
Becoming - Meine Geschichte
The Turnaround
We the People
Ada Twist
Unsere wunderbaren Nationalparks
Arbeit: Was wir den ganzen Tag machen
Waffel und Mochi
Unsere Ozeane
Court of Gold

Über uns


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