
Margaret Thatcher


Geburtsdatum 13.10.1925 (99 Jahre alt)
Geburtsort Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, UK

Filme & Serien

Laboratory Greece
Gazprom - Die perfekte Waffe
Her Majesty's Prime Ministers: John Major
Portillo on Thatcher
Другое пространство
Margaret Thatcher: The Woman Who Changed Britain
Der Königsmacher
Cabinet Confidential
How to Be Prime Minister
Maggie and Me
Die Thatcher-Jahre
Margaret Thatcher - Die Eiserne Lady
The Emperor's New Clothes
Versus: The Life and Films of Ken Loach
Margaret: Death of a Revolutionary
Remembering Reagan at His Ranch
Iron Fists and Kung Fu Kicks
The Falklands War: The Untold Story
Kids' TV: The Surprising Story
How to Win the TV Debate
Gorbatschow - Eine Begegnung
The Lady is Not for Turning: An Unauthorized Story on Margaret Thatcher
Nazi Hunters: The Real Walk-In
How to Be an Ex-Prime Minister
Let Poland Be Poland
A Very British Sex Scandal: The Love Child & the Secretary
To Kill the Cabinet
Secrets & Spies
Odd Man Out: A Film Portrait of Enoch Powell
Rise of the Footsoldier: Origins
Empire of the Censors
Blackadder: Back & Forth
New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor
Rockin' Ronnie
The Dark Side Of Porn: The Real Animal Farm
Brexit – The Uncivil War
The 90s: Ten Years That Changed the World
6 Days
Hong Kong: Génération rétrocession
Die Erdzerstörer
Degeneration Punk
England 79
The Shock Doctrine
1979: Urknall der Gegenwart
Shadow World
Margaret Thatcher: Prime Minister
The Swap
How to Win the US Presidency
Le cas Pinochet
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics
Thatcher vs The Miners: The Battle for Britain
Best Ever Spitting Image
The Red and the Blue
In Search of Tony Blair
The Downing Street Patient
Westminster's Secret Service
The New Ten Commandments
Margaret Thatcher, l'enfance d'un chef
Margaret Thatcher: Serving the Crown
Informe especial
The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom
The Wilderness Years
Endgame in Ireland
Wasted Windfall
Thatcher: The Downing Street Years
The Century of the Self
The Secret Rulers of the World
Geheimdienste im Kalten Krieg
Thatcher: A Very British Revolution

Über uns


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